Headlands Research is a globally integrated clinical trial site organization with a mission to dramatically improve the clinical trial process.

  • Our group of exceptional sites focuses on large volume recruitment of diverse and specialty patient populations while delivering the highest quality data. Our principal investigators are key opinion and proven industry leaders in their fields with expertise in a wide variety of indications. Our sites and PIs have successfully completed over 1000 studies utilizing our expert recruitment strategies and access to over 300,000 patients through our site databases and physician partnerships. Please see our specific capabilities and access listed below:

Equipment and Procedure Capabilities

  • -20C freezer. Temperature monitored 24/7. Backup generator
  • -80°C freezer. Temperature monitored 24/7. Backup generator
  • Access to radiology and ultrasound facilities including bone densitometer, mammography, MRI, X-ray and CT Scan
  • Access to uroflow machine
  • Calibrated weigh scales (analog and digital)
  • Centrifuges (room temperature and refrigerated)
  • Cholestech machines
  • Dedicated and fully equipped space for monitors
  • ECG machines
  • Emergency meds and oxygen
  • Fibroscan(s)
  • Full emergency backup generator
  • Hemoglobin A1C testing
  • Inpatients beds
  • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) qualified site(s)
  • IV infusion capability
  • KOKO spirometer
  • Lab drawing and processing equipment
  • Laminar Flow Hood
  • Liver Biopsies Partners
  • Liver MultiScan
  • Locked, temperature controlled drug storage
  • Lumbar Punctures conducted on site
  • Major medical center less than 2 blocks from site
  • MRI with pdff and Dixon imaging capabilities
  • Multiple fully staffed Memory Clinics to support Alzheimer’s trials
  • PBMC capability
  • PDFF
  • Peak flow
  • Proprietary Referral Physician Phone App
  • Referral PI Partners, TA specific
  • Room equipped with ventilation system for ventilation in nicotine trials
  • Secure 2° – 8° centigrade refrigerator monitored 24 hours a day
  • Sleep Rooms
  • Spirometry

Headlands Research has access to a wide variety of specialists and equipment across our sites.

We are committed to working with our Sponsor and CRO partners around their needs for any given trial as partnership and collaboration is key to all of our success.

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What our clients have to say

Excepteur sint cupidatat non proident, sunt ieserunt mollit anim id occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt ieserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus occaecat cupidatat nonerror
James Smith
Excepteur sint cupidatat non proident, sunt ieserunt mollit anim id occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt ieserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus occaecat cupidatat nonerror
Tonya Thomas